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A Dog's World


Is it Really a Dog’s World?

There are dog parks, dog bakeries, doggy day care, doggy birthday parties, dog sweaters, doggy boots, and magazines such as this one dedicated to the Dog. While we aren’t complaining or ungrateful (kitties do get this tiny little section in the very back) we do think this is a little unfair. But is it really a Dogs World? We think not!

There are a whopping 86.4 million cat owners in the United States, which is 8 million more than dog owners. This tells us that Americans have a big heart for cats and so they should; cats are the most popular pet in the world. Most cats are acquired as strays or adopted from local animal shelters. Cats have been training humans for thousands of years. The evolution of the Cat is evident in Ancient Egypt. 9500 years ago, Egyptian tombs were adorned with petroglyphs of cats; humans were buried with their cats and believed that cats were the guardians of the afterlife.

Humans today continue to comply to their cat’s every whim. There are luxurious bed and breakfasts for cats to stay at while we vacation, like The Best Little Cat House in Pasadena in Pasadena, California. Cats have their own fish tanks to gaze at and sun rooms to warm in; their people can monitor them 24/7 with personal kitty webcams, and at $40 a night your best little feline friend should be more than comfortable.

We would like to go one step farther. Instead of only having Yappy Hours, there should also be Meow Mixers where proud cat owners can have a glass of wine and share photos and videos of their kitties resting at home (on a live webcam feed). Instead of a Cat Park, which speaks for itself, there could be Kitty Day Care, chock-full of fish aquariums, bird gazing windows, play lofts with hidden nooks and crannies, and battery powered mice darting to and fro. There could be an outdoor garden with fresh growing wheat grass and barrels of blooming catnip, a dirt pile to roll in, and a big tree to race up. How cool would that be? We could even have a section in the bakery for cats that would include frozen mice, freeze dried salmon, and catnip (of course).

There is a darker side we must address; not all cats have loving homes. Millions of homeless cats are left to fend for themselves on the streets or to be senselessly euthanized in shelters across the country. There is a huge contradiction in pet owners evident in our culture; so many of us adore our loving felines and so many of us allow them to be killed by the millions. These uncaring folk do not see the importance of spaying and neutering their cats and are filling the shelters and the streets with cats waiting to starve or be euthanized.

Together we can help curb these sad statistics. Project Save a Kitten is a local program designed to give kittens a chance at a loving home. You can sponsor a litter for as little as $50 or provide a foster home for a mother and her kittens. Several local businesses are teaming up and pitching in to host litters of kittens. This encourages adoption and helps these little guys stay healthy and alive until their forever homes are found.

To sponsor or to host a litter of kittens, contact the Community Foundation of Southern New Mexico’s TABBY TEAM, who is part of the Community Coalition for Animals, by calling Jackey Meinecke at 524-1886.

You can also stop by one of the many businesses hosting kittens, such as Better Life Pet Foods, Enchanted Gardens, Southwest Environmental Center, and PetsBarn. Adopt an adorable new furry family member so it to can be treated like the royal cats of Egypt and adorn your furniture like a gift from the Gods. Who knows, maybe your new warm furry feline full of fantastic fanatical fun will fill a once empty place in your heart.

Article by Kat Lacy of Better Life Pet Foods in Las Cruces.


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