Chicken Jerky Treats
If you have dogs you probably give them treats. Well, I have a dog and she definitely likes her treats, especially chicken jerky. There was a scare recently about jerky treats that were made in China making dogs sick. When I heard this, it got me to thinking, "why can't I make my own jerky treats?" So that is just what I did and these chicken jerky treats were easy to make, they are healthy for my dog, less expensive than the pre-packaged treats and guess what, they're not made in China!
Native Americans would lay their meat out in the sun and let it dry naturally. I might try that with beef, but maybe not with chicken. If you do try it with beef, I would lay some screening on top to keep the flies off. Since we are drying poultry, it would be preferable to use a dehydrator or an oven. Poultry is too susceptible to bacteria if left at room temperature for even a short period of time and drying it in the sun would take too long.
Buying The Chicken or Turkey
Ok, now on to the chicken jerky. I found that chicken or turkey breasts work best, so go hit up your local super market for large packages of boneless chicken or turkey. Sam's club has some pretty good size packages of breasts at reasonable prices. Check your ads for sales and stock up.
What Is Needed
You will need a really sharp large knife and it helps if the chicken is semi-frozen, it cuts better that way. Cut in strips that are about an eighth to a quarter inch thick. Remove any fat as it does not dry and ends up going rancid. Spread the slices out on the dehydrator shelves or on a cookie sheet if you are going to do them in the oven. Believe me, you don't need any seasonings, hey it is chicken! Ever need to ask you dog if a piece of meat needs a bit more flavor, I think not! If he could talk he might say, "what piece of meat?" "Do you have a couple more I could try and let you know?"
Dehydrator Settings
I set my dehydrator at 140°F and leave it going all night. In the morning my chicken jerky is really hard and dry. I want it that way so it can be stored without refrigeration. The drying time will depend on how thick you cut your pieces. You may not need to leave it for so long, so check them after a few hours and make sure they are good and dry.
Oven Settings
If you are using an oven set it at 200°F and cook them for about two hours. Oven temps vary so check after the first two hours are up and if the chicken is still bendable let it stay in longer.
Now you have your own supply of chicken jerky. Made by you and enjoyed by your four-legged family member.