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Las Cruces Upholstery in Las Cruces, NM


Las Cruces Upholstery in Las Cruces, NM

"Welcome to Las Cruces Upholstery
the Largest & Oldest Upholstery Shop in Las Cruces, NM!"


Serving Las Cruces
for Over 35 Years!


Car seats upholstered by Las Cruces Upholstery

Free Estimates In-Home w/samples

Free Pick-up & Delivery

Quality Workmanship

Las Cruces Upholstery

There is one upholstery company in Las Cruces that can satisfy all of your reupholstering needs with skill, precision and quality work and that company is Las Cruces Upholstery. We are a family run business, serving the upholstery needs of Las Cruces and surrounding areas for over 35 years!

Our professional team of specialists can work with various types of upholstery, including cloth, vinyl or classic and stylish leather. Our selection of upholstery materials is unmatched.

Las Cruces restaurants including: Dunkin Donuts, Denny's, Red Lobster, Cattle Baron and Farley's, turn to us for all their upholstering needs and you can too!

Commercial & Residential Upholstery Services:

Car & Truck Seats
Home & Office Furniture
RV Furniture & Covers
Patio Furniture
Boat Seats & Covers
Canvas Awnings
Convertible & Vinyl Tops
Industrial Sewing
Free Pickup & DeliveryLas Cruces Upholstery in Las Cruces

(575) 524-9466

1200 E. Las Cruces Ave.
Las Cruces, NM
Map and directions

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Commercial - Home - Auto - Marine - Aviation

Auto Upholstery at Las Cruces Upholstery in Las Cruces, NM Car seats reupholstered at Las Cruces Upholstery in Las Cruces, NM Furniture reupholstered at Las Cruces Upholstery in Las Cruces, NM
Upholstery materials at Las Cruces Upholstery in Las Cruces, NM Upholstery shop at Las Cruces Upholstery in Las Cruces, NM Upholstery warehouse of materials at Las Cruces Upholstery in Las Cruces, NM
Boat covers made at Las Cruces Upholstery in Las Cruces, NM Las Cruces Upholstery Shop in Las Cruces, NM Canvas awnings made at Las Cruces Upholstery in Las Cruces, NM
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