Harold Litzenberg, Owner
Litzenberg Body Shop
in Las Cruces, NM
"Delivering Quality Auto Body Work SInce 1964"

"People Tell Us That
We're The Best Body Shop
in Las Cruces!" |
From fiberglass vehicle repairs to complete auto body and paint work, Litzenberg Body Shop in Las Cruces does it all. Complete collision repair, large or small jobs welcome and all paint and body work is fully guaranteed.
Trying to decide which body shop in Las Cruces to take your car to? Well, Litzenberg Body Shop has been around since 1964 and that really says a lot!
While the category "Auto Body & Paint" was in the Las Cruces Reader's Choice Awards, Litzenberg Body Shop was the wInner three years straight, 2007, 2008, and 2009!
(575) 650 9565
1709 N. Valley Dr.
Las Cruces, NM
Map & Directions
Monday - Friday: 8:30 AM - 6:00 PM
"We Met The First Time By Accident,
The Second Time By Reputation" |