Welcome to Malooly's
Flooring Company
in Las Cruces, NM
Think The Big Box Stores
Can Beat Us
When it Comes to Selection & Price...
Think Again!

Incredible Selection of:
• Tile
• Carpet
• Laminate
• Area Rugs
• Wood Flooring
• Luxury Vinyl Tile
Malooly's - Your Source
for Quality Flooring
in Las Cruces, NM!

Malooly's Flooring Company in Las Cruces has been providing flooring for Southern New Mexico and West Texas since 1907. Whether it's home renovation or commercial construction, we provide you with the perfect flooring solution for every project. With a sales force who have an average of 15 years experience in the flooring industry and the largest in-stock inventory in the area, we are here to make everything as perfect as possible.
From the beauty and durability of natural stone, to the sophistication of carpeting, to the elegance of hardwood flooring, you'll find quality products at prices to meet every budget. Malooly's can provide you with a broad range of styles, textures, and colors to fit your home. Whatever your flooring needs, Malooly's has it available at unbeatable prices! Come see us today!
(575) 523-0633
765 N. Valley Dr.
Las Cruces, NM 88005
Map and directions
Monday - Friday 8:00 AM to 5:30 PM
Saturday 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
