"Welcome to the Spanish Kitchen
Mexican Food Restaurant
in Las Cruces, NM!"

"Serving Delicious Mexican Food
in Las Cruces SInce 1950"


The New Mexico Spanish Kitchen is a locally owned and operated, family restaurant in Las Cruces, NM, serving delicious Mexican food since 1950. Easy access to Highway 70 and Interstate 25. Pop a quarter in the Juke Box and check out the walls, they're adorned with historic photographs of Las Cruces' early days!
Just a Few of Our Specialties:
• Chips & Spicy Salsa
• Red or Green Chili Plates
• Combination Plates
• Flautas
• Caldo
• Tamales
• Tacos
• Mexican Desserts

(575) 526-4275
2960 N. Main St.
Las Cruces, NM
Map and Directions
Monday - Thursday: 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Friday: 11:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Saturday: 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM
"Great Place for Parties" |