Tanzania is a country in east Africa just below the equator. Dar es Salaam (Haven of Peace) is the capital in nearly every aspect except in name. Dodoma is the capital and was named the capital in 1973.
 Dar es Salaam is a port city of over two million inhabitants but it is not a very interesting nor beautiful city.
It is a growing city with new high-rises and shopping malls though it still has many small unpaved streets and little shops.

The water front, the real tourist area, has many very enjoyable and pleasant restaurants and modern buildings.
 The jewel of Dar es Salaam is the National Museum. Though it is small, its early man exhibit from the Oluvai Gorge is excellent and very understandable with notes in English.
The population is very diverse along with a multitude of religions from all denominations of Christian and Moslem to Hindu and the native tribal religions.
Dar es Salaam (Haven of Peace) is a comfortable city though and a peaceful one as its name means.
Photos and story courtesy of Bob & Wilma. |