BULA!! The welcome greeting in Fiji!! and for all greetings in this lovely paradise.
Fiji is one of the beautiful, sun kissed island countries in the South Pacific, having been so since it's independence from Britain in 1970. It consists of 333 islands scattered over 518,000 square miles of ocean.
It has been inhabited for 3000 years and now boasts of being a multi-ethnic nation. Until tourists found it's sun and sand, sugar cane was probably it's most important income producer though gold and lumber was and is important also.
Sugar cane is still produced and is hauled to the refineries on small trains with small engines.
These are called "sugar trains". Because of storm damage to one of the tracks, one "sugar train" is used for a tourist shopping excursion to the village of Sigatoka stopping along the way at a kindergarten and an archaeological museum.

Tourists usually patronize the many beach resorts on the coast.
T he Gecko's Resort had been a cultural center at one time so had many of the traditional style buildings and many interesting artifacts on it's lovely palm trees studded grounds.
Most tourists enter Fiji by way of Nadi which has little to offer tourists except the huge bright multi-colored Hindu temple built in 1994 by the Hindus population of Fiji.

Photos and story courtesy of Bob & Wilma. |