The United Methodists have a shine spot in the heart of darkest Africa, near Iringa in the middle of Tanzania. Ilula Orphan Project (IOP) is that spot. IOP was founded in 1998 by Brite Skaare because of the AIDs epidemic and the loss of a whole generation.
IOP presently has 30 (+ or -) orphan girls in the dorms BUT it has a large foster family program.

The foster family program greatly helps the older generation who can no longer depend on their children of the "lost generation".
 IOP has a school, to the 8th grade, on campus where the girls and the village children attend.
A high school is presently being built. It also maintains a sponsorship program to educate orphans in the foster homes or remaining family members some are even sponsored to the college level.
Being totally sustainable is a goal of IOP. It is presently working on a commercial building on the main highway to support their work and provide jobs for the area. They are probably the largest employer in the area, paying slightly above average wages.
 Almost all the food used at IOP is grown there in gardens or produced in the live stock program -- eggs, milk and meat.
Being a good steward of the earth is also very important to IOP.
They use solar energy when and where possible, collect rain water, use drip irrigation and recycle what is reusable.
Organizations such as IOP give hope to the people of Africa.
Photos and story courtesy of Bob & Wilma. |