Johannesburg is the financial and commercial center for South Africa. It energizes the entrepreneurial spirit. It, like it's other names, means "place of gold" and is where many gold mines are found but Johannesburg is a depressing city. It is the city where millions of Blacks were forced into ghettos such as Soweto.
It is the city where the final phase of apartheid resistance was enacted. It was on June 16, 1976, that a peaceful demonstration turned bloody and the young 13 year old, Hector Pieterson, was killed and immortalized in a photography that was flashed around the world.
 The museum to him and to the others killed in this final resistance is very moving. In the courtyard, scattered about, are bricks with the name of other young victims engraved on it.
The very street of that demonstration is a now a memorial to that event.
 Johannesburg was also the city of Archbishop Desmond Tutu whose home is here and of Nelson Mandela, whose home is now a museum.
His was a modest home the place that is wife lived while Mandela was in prison and the home to which he returned when released.
 Justly though, as if in repentance, Johannesburg has a large and very fine museum to apartheid. The museum helps you understand the LONG HARD STRUGGLE of apartheid and endeavors to make you a part of it.
Photos and story courtesy of Bob & Wilma. |