In the jungle in the northern part of Brazil, lies the city of Manaus. It is situated at the confluence of the Solimoes River and the Negro River which is part of the great Amazon River system, the largest river system in the world. The river is so wide here that it appears to be a large lake.
These two rivers meet and flow side by side for four miles before the waters mix and become one.
What causes this strange phenomenon? It is the difference of the density, acidity, velocity and temperature of the two rivers. This is very pronounced and distinct from the air.
Manaus grew up during the rubber boom and reflects that wealth. The beautiful Manaus Theatre was built totally of material imported from Europe and the dome is covered with 36,000 porcelain tiles.
The City Market was designed in 1882 by Eiffel who had also designed the Eiffel Tower in Paris.

As in all markets there is an endless array of goods.
It was there I learned that Brazil nuts are clustered in shells like coconuts and have to be chopped out.
Photos and story courtesy of Bob & Wilma.
