Pamukkale is a unique geological feature in the southwest corner of the country of Turkey. It's name means COTTON CASTLE and it's white scar can be seen for miles.

Pamukkale is saturated warm mineral spring water flowing down the hillside leaving snow white mineral deposits behind. The minerals collect in places and dam up

forming pools of warm mineral spring water which is so refreshing to wade in.

The Greeks established a medical center and military fort here as long ago as the 180 BC. The Romans followed the Greeks and soon a large population had grown leaving behind the ruins of a large city with a theatre

and cemetery

and much more. Often found in Roman cities are Jewish communities which oft times would bring Christian missionaries. Hierapolis was the name of this Roman city and it's name is found in the Christian Biblical book of Colossians (4:13). The area prospered under the Byzantines also till several very severe earthquakes laid waste to the town and it was abandoned and for centuries laid in ruins. Oh!! but what joy it is to wander the ruins

now and to wade in the warm mineral pools.
Photos and story courtesy of Bob & Wilma. |