San Miguel de Allende, MX is a delightful small town in the center of Mexico. It is a historic colonial town so well preserved it has been designated by the Mexican government a national historic monument. Many North Americans have found it, moved to it, establishing an expat community and a cultural center.

Metal art is one of the arts San Miguel is known for and is often seen in public places or can be purchased in the art and craft market found just behind the fruit and vegetable market.

The very ornate, red sandstone facade of La Parroquia (the Parish Church) can be enjoyed and even studied while comfortably sitting in the laurel tree shaded plaza in front of it.

Secreted behind the doorways of the ancient colonial homes that line the narrow, cobbled streets are beautiful, cool comfortable courtyards some converted now into cafes or airBnBs.

During the holidays, San Miguel comes alive and literally vibrates with joy and excitement from every corner.

Photos and story courtesy of Bob & Wilma. |