Zagreb is the capital of one of the newest countries in Europe. It is possibly the least touristy capital BUT one of the more interesting in respect to museums and parks and it does encourage the arts.
Zagreb was formed when two walled medieval towns (Gradec and Kaptol) merged in 1850 and it became the country's capital in 1991 when Croatia declared it's independence.
The heart of the city is Jelacic Square with a statue of Josip Jelacic, Croatia's national hero.
 Up one of the narrow medieval streets, is the colorful daily fruit and vegetable market which also sells bunches of bright beautiful flowers and nearby, meats, cheeses and breads.
The Stone Gate, presently being repaired, is the only city gate left in the city though there is a section of city wall left beside the cathedral.
The cathedral is the most important church in Croatia though it is not unique other than having been gifted four beautiful crystal chandeliers from a casino in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Photos and story courtesy of Bob & Wilma. |