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Kalee Carson
Kalee Carson

When Life Gives You Lemons…

History of Lemons

Lemons were thought to have originated in China or India and have been grown in these areas for as long as 2500 years. The Crusaders were thought to have discovered them in Palestine and brought them to Europe where Christopher Columbus was credited for bringing them to the new world in 1493. They have been cultivated in Florida since the 16th century. The study of the genetic origin of the lemon shows it is a hybrid of the orange and the citron.

In the mid to late 1700’s it was one of the fruits used to help keep sailors from getting scurvy, although at the time, vitamin C had yet to be discovered.

Buying and Nutritional Benefits of Lemons

They are a small oval yellow fruit with a textured skin. If you plan to use the peel, buy organic, if not then buying traditional is fine. Look for a smooth skin with bright color and fruit that is heavy for its size. This will indicate a fruit with a large amount of juice.

One of the main nutrients in lemons is that it is a rich source of vitamin C. One lemon provides 33% of the RDA of vitamin C. This will provide antioxidant protection and help strengthen the immune system. The vitamin C and flavonoids in the lemon will help with colds and flu. It also helps with getting rid of free radicals in the body which helps slow the aging process. It is also thought that the vitamin C in lemons can help fight off H pylori, which is the most common bacterial cause of stomach ulcers.

Lemon has a diuretic effect and helps to cleanse and detoxify the body. It is very detoxifying for the liver and can help liquefy bile. A glass of water with lemon first thing in the morning can help keep the liver detoxified. Benefits in the urinary system can include the potential for dissolving calcium stones as well. It is helpful to squeeze one lemon into approx. 48 oz. of water and drink throughout the day for best diuretic benefit.

Lemons contain 22 different anti-cancer compounds including limonene oil which slows or halts tumor growth in animals and other compounds which stop cell division of the cancer cells.


In Ayurvedic medicine, lemons are used to keep the digestive track moving. It is recommended to drink ½ lemon juice squeezed in to a cup of warm water to stimulate the digestive system and keep things regular. Lemons also have the ability to help cool the body by causing us to sweat, so drinking lemonade or other drinks with lemon added, in the summertime, is so cooling for the body.

Lemon is useful in breaking up mucus in the lungs during colds and flu. It also helps to control asthma.

Many of the same remedies that use lemons used in western medicine, such as using it to soothe a sore throat along with some honey, are very similar to those known in Ayurveda.

Culinary Uses for Lemons

Lemon has a solid place in the culinary world. From drinks to desserts, Main dishes to salads and sides, lemons are everywhere!

The Eureka lemon is the most common variety of lemon available and the kind most often found in the supermarket. Another variety used often in the culinary world is the Meyer lemon. Sweeter and larger than a traditional lemon, they have a thinner skin and an orangish-yellow color. It is most commonly found in higher end gourmet stores and markets.

Lemon juice is used in beverages such as lemonade, mixed drinks and sodas. It can be used as a part of a marinade in meats since it breaks down the protein fibers because of the acidity level. Lemon juice is also used as a short term preservative for things that oxidize quickly, such as bananas, apples and pears. It is also used to make a liqueur, most commonly known as Limón cello.

Lemon zest, which is the yellow color from the outside of the lemon, contains the essential oils of the lemon. When you zest a lemon at home, be careful not to get the pith (the white part of the lemon peel) as it is quite bitter. Lemon zest is added to many dishes for a dash of concentrated lemon flavor. It can add zing to fruit dishes, salad dressings, baked goods, and even pasta and stews.

The fruit (pulp) of the lemon is most often used in marmalades and preserves. In Moroccan cuisine, they preserve lemons both in sweet and salty forms to add to many dishes. Of course slices of lemons can be added to a pitcher of your favorite beverage, or as a garnish to fish and poultry dishes to add zest. Lemons just bring a bright fresh taste to everything they are added to.

Glow Like the Sun

Lemons have beauty applications as well as in health and culinary.

Lemons are high in the fruit acids contained in so many high end beauty treatments. It can be used to lighten age spots on the skin. Apply lemon juice to area, leave on overnight and rinse off in the morning. Used daily, it will fade age spots, sun spots and acne scars.

It works well as a hair lightener, apply directly to the hair while out in the sun or simply use a hair dryer. With continued use the hair will continue to lighten over time to desired lightness!

If your fingernails have yellowed due to dark nail polish or working in the garden, use lemon juice to bring them back to their bright, white, natural color! Add the juice of ½ lemon to 1 cup warm water and soak for 5 minutes. Voila, like new!

…Use Lemons Any Way You Can

Lemons are really a very healthy, useful and flavorful fruit to add to our everyday diet.

So~ When life gives you lemons, use them any way you can!! You will be happy you did!!!

Until next time, stay healthy!!


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